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Patient inside an MRI scanner with their hands behind their head
Brighton & Sussex Medical School

Research volunteers

Research volunteers

There is always a wide range of ongoing studies at CISC, using MRI or PET-CT to examine diverse aspects of brain function and structure. These studies continue to improve our understanding of brain and body function and are helping in the development of new treatment strategies.

If you want to be personally involved in any of our ongoing studies, or simply wish to know more about upcoming studies, please get in touch at Our current studies please look through the projects below and email the relevant researcher in charge of recruiting volunteers.


Current studies

Individual Differences in Brain Networks for Memory 
Atusa Saeipour –

How does a 4 day working week change mind, brain, and body?
Freja Clarke – 

Using functional MRI neurofeedback to modulate self-blame in major depressive disorder   
Alex Nagle – 

Effects of habitual caffeine use and acute caffeine abstinence on mood, cognitive performance and brain activity   
Tatum Sevenoaks – 

Measuring brain metabolic health – a dynamic lactate MRS study
Dr Ed Caddye – 

Some of the studies may offer you a small reimbursement for your time, and in some cases you may also be able to receive a copy of the brain images!