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Brighton & Sussex Medical School

Ethics in Performance - 2012/13 series

BSMS > Research > Clinical and experimental medicine > Theoretical and Empirical Bioethics > Ethics in Performance > On Mentioning the Menopause - Uniting Poetry and Medicine

On Mentioning the Menopause - Uniting Poetry and Medicine

Painting: Woman's Head as Jug - showing the faces of 5 different women

On Mentioning the Menopause - Uniting Poetry and Medicine

12 June 2013

6.00 pm

Chowen Lecture Theatre, BSMS Tecahing Building

She'd like to understand this cycle –
her womb lining itself constantly
then having second thoughts.

A recent Woman's Hour feature on the menopause prompted the biggest listener responses in years so it seems timely for this topic to be embraced by the Ethics and Performance programme.

In her forthcoming book, Woman's Head as Jug, poet Jackie Wills challenges the taboo of the menopause. Jackie will be reading and discussing a selection of her poems. She will be joined in conversation by Consultant Gynaecologist, Ms Julia Montgomery for what promises to be an entertaining, thought-provoking and informative evening.



Poet Jackie Wills is author of four acclaimed poetry collections:Commandments, Fever Tree, Party and Powder Tower


Ms Julia Montgomery is a (menopausal) Consultant Gynaecologist. For the past twenty years she has worked at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust where she has a particular interest in menopausal endocrinology.