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Brighton & Sussex Medical School

Ethics in Performance - 2012/13 series

Challenging The Way We Look At Things

two faded pink arm chairs, with 2 sets of empty clothes arranged as if a person was sitting in them.

Challenging The Way We Look At Things

11 October 2012

6.30 pm

Chowen Lecture Theatre, BSMS Teaching Building

Stop frame animation as a therapeutic communication tool.

Zoe Flynn and Bo Chapman of Salmagundi Films demonstrated the therapeutic benefits of stop frame animation and explained why it is an especially empowering activity for people with cognitive impairment. They presented several film clips made with people living with dementia.

Using simple software on laptops and personal objects as triggers for narrative, people with dementia can animate their memories 'to life'. It is not only a physical activity where new skills are acquired and developed, but also an intrinsically valuable form of creative expression, an affirmation of one's sense of self.

In their most recent project with Housing 21 Research and Development, staff training and family involvement was an intrinsic component. A comprehensive evaluation of the impact of Frames of Mind® revealed significant positive outcomes for all participants - residents, staff and family carers - in terms of communication, empowerment, well being, cognitive abilities, relationships and person-centred care.

Bo and Zoe invited discussion about other potential environments where Frames Of Mind® could be applied.

Salmagundi Films

Salmagundi Films is a production company founded in 2004 by Zoe Flynn and Bo Chapman which specialises in mixing film and animation to produce films that raise awareness and challenge the way we look at things.

Commissioned by organisations such as Shelter, The Children's Society, Newham PCT and the Arts Council, their work seeks to promote inclusion and provide a platform for creative expression for people of all ages and abilities.

Over the last 5 years Salmagundi Films have been working extensively with older people and people with dementia using film and animation as an empowering communication and life story tool. They have called this concept Frames of Mind®

Their films have been presented at 3 successive National Dementia Congresses and at The SONAS Conference Dublin, Canterbury Christchurch University and The Capital Age Festival London 2012.

Their article 'Frames of Mind® - telling personal stories through animated films' was featured in The Journal of Dementia Care (Nov/Dec 2011)

Read more Salmagundi Films news >