Future events
Inclusion Health Day 2021
The annual BSMS Inclusion Health Day returns 9am-1pm on Thursday, 21 October 2021, this year with the theme 'Changing Perceptions of Inclusion Health'. This event addresses current issues in inclusion health and is particularly aimed at healthcare, support, and key workers, service managers, planners and commissioners.
Our 6th Inclusion Health Day will focus on groups who may not be traditionally represented in Inclusion Health, with the aim of changing perceptions and encouraging inclusive working practices.
The day will be of interest to everyone who is concerned with the health of people who are homeless, gypsies or travellers, vulnerable migrants or sex workers, and is particularly aimed at healthcare, support, and key workers, service managers, planners and commissioners.
This event, produced in collaboration with Pathway and the Faculty of Homeless and Inclusion Health, provides an excellent learning and networking opportunity and our five previous Inclusion Health CPD days have been highly evaluated by attendees.
This years’ event will be virtual for speakers and participants, and will be hosted on MS Teams via the University of Brighton. The course fee of £25 will include online registration, post-event access to digital presentation materials and certification for 4 hours CPD activity.
Topics include:
- Healthcare for Migrants and Asylum Seekers
- What happens to frail elderly men on release from prison?
- What can we learn about stigma from other groups?
- How working with peers can change the way we work
- Reducing Health Inequalities in Inclusion Health Groups
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