Professor Claire Smith, Head of Anatomy at BSMS and Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor Education and Innovation, University of Sussex, has been awarded the highest level of professional recognition from the Higher Education Academy – the Principal Fellow (PFHEA) status.
The award is in recognition of a sustained and substantial impact from effective strategic leadership in higher education, resulting in changes of practice and improvements in quality.
In gaining the Principal Fellow status, Professor Smith joins a small and select group of academics both within the UK and globally who have demonstrated professionalism in learning and teaching at the highest levels.

Professor Smith said: “I am delighted to receive Principal Fellowship. I very much feel I am still on a learning journey and it is a privilege to be able to make a difference to students. Thank you to all the wonderful students and staff who support me and challenge me that then enables myself and others to deliver high quality learning and learning environments.”
The PFHEA status is awarded to individuals who are able to provide evidence of a sustained and effective record of impact at a strategic level in relation to teaching and learning, as part of a wider commitment to academic practice.
Find out more about the Fellowship here >