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Brighton & Sussex Medical School


BSMS > About BSMS > Library > Journals

Collections of full text journals

Annual Reviews >

Since 1932, Annual Reviews has offered comprehensive, timely collections of critical reviews written by leading scientists. Annual Reviews' volumes are published each year for 29 focused disciplines within the biomedical, physical, and social sciences.

*Access via University of Sussex Library

BioMed Central >

Free access to peer-reviewed biological and medical research.

ClinicalKey >

ClinicalKey provides access to Elsevier's medical and surgical content in one online resource, which includes over 500 journals in full text (and thousands of videos and images).

*NHS Athens password required

DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals >

Freely available open access journals in full text.

Expanded Academic ASAP >

Subject coverage: humanities, science, technology and social sciences. Provides bibliographic references, abstracts or full text for articles from over 3000 scholarly and general interest journals. Coverage from 1980.

Health Research Premium Collection >

In-depth coverage from leading biomedical publications. Includes health care information covering nursing, allied health, alternative and complementary medicine; relevant resources for anyone interested in the business of running a health organisation; key information from leading psychology and psychosomatic publications. Also covers subjects for patients and their families.

PsycArticles >

Provides full-text access to over 60 journals, covering 1894 to the present. The database is provided by the American Psychological Association (APA).

*Access via University of Sussex Library

Sage Journals Online >

Provides access to a wide range of journals from Sage Publications.

*Access via University of Sussex Library

Science Direct >

Science Direct provides access to over 1800 journals covering mainly science, technology and medicine. Full-text access to subscribed titles from 1993 or later.

UK PubMed Central >

Based on the US PubMed Central, this online resource provides free access to biomedical and life sciences journal literature. All the journals are peer reviewed and available in full text. UKPubMed Central is a fully searchable electronic archive and provides context-sensitive links to other biomedical and life science resources.

Wiley-Blackwell Journals >

Full text journals from the publisher Wiley-Blackwell. Make sure to use the 'advanced' search facility.