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Brighton & Sussex Medical School

Student interviews

In Focus - Willow Neal


Willow Neal

Year of Study: Year 4

A student called Willow Neal taking a photo on her phone in front of a mirror wearing purple scrubs with a blue facemask. Blue lockers are in the background, showing she is about to go in to a hospital setting

Willow Neal tells us about how she prepared for medical school interviews, managed the transition to university study, and the extra-curricular activities available at BSMS. Watch Willow's video below for her top tips on preparing for UCAT and BMAT.

What made you want to study medicine?

I wanted to study something practical which linked to scientific concepts. 


How did you choose which medical schools to apply to?

I chose mainly BMAT universities because that's where I performed better, and then picked the schools I liked best.


What made you want to study at BSMS?

I liked Brighton on the open day, and the Student Selected Components and dissections sold it to me.

What are your top tips for UCAT and BMAT?

Use question banks and the revision guides - practise makes perfect.


How did you prepare for interview? Do you have any tips?

I looked up interview questions and YouTube videos of people who had gotten into med school and used these to practise. As for tips, a friendly manner goes a long way, eye contact, introducing yourself etc.


Any advice for managing the transition to university?

Remember everyone else is just as scared and feels just as out of place as you - just give it time and it'll be okay!

What has been your favourite part of the BSMS Medicine course? 

Placement! Anything where I get to talk to patients.


Are you involved in any sports or societies? If so, can you tell us a bit about them? 

I'm Vice president of PsychSoc and am trying to put together a day on psychiatry and women's health, it's great to use societies to explore parts of medicine you don't get much time on.


How do you manage your time?

Academic diaries - I didn't start until this year but honestly has been a life saver.

What is your favourite part of living in Brighton and Hove? 

There is always something to do!


If you could go back in time to give one tip to your younger self, what would it be?

Research about current medical issues before interviews.


Describe your medical school experience in three words

Exciting, exhausting, rewarding.