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Brighton & Sussex Medical School

Student interviews

In Focus - Awa Tansie


Awa Tansie

Year of Study: Year 2

Awa Tansie pictured on Brighton beach in the winter

Awa tells us about her experience of being a student at BSMS, how she prepared for interviews and what brought her to study medicine in Brighton. Read her answers below.

What made you want to study at BSMS?

I liked the course structure and it wasn't too far, or too close, to home. 

What work experience did you undertake before applying to medicine? How was it beneficial?

Volunteering in a nursing home. It was useful in working with more vulnerable patients. It also helps give perspective when talking about the care of the elderly population and those suffering from dementia (especially in Year 2 with ‘Time for Dementia’) as you have a lived understanding of what that can look like for people.

How did you prepare for the BMAT/UCAT?

Free online resources and a BMAT book.

How did you prepare for your interview(s) for medical school? 

Interviews with school teachers and with family friends, parents and colleagues.

What’s your top tip for interviews?

Be reflective about the experiences you've had not just listing them off. Don't come with set answers but with an appreciation for what you've learnt from the things you did to get into medical school.

Is there a piece of advice you wish you could have given your younger self when thinking about/applying to medicine? 

Medical school is the start of your medical career, so think about it in the context of your life not just an academic perspective. How will studying medicine shape my life?

How did you choose which medical schools to apply to? 

The ones that had course structures I liked, distance and the ones I had heard nice things about.

How did you find/ manage the transition to university?

I've always wanted to go to university, so initially, it didn't feel too jarring. But going home for the first time at Christmas helped put everything I didn't realise I found difficult in perspective and allows you to rest from all the new emotions, people, knowledge... just everything.

Which part of your course have you found the most interesting so far? 

Theme 103, Heart Lungs and Blood. Blood is by far the most interesting thing. In Year Two, I would say Endocrinology and Reproduction is a close second. 

What has been your BSMS highlight so far? 

The Winter Ball. 

What is your favourite thing about studying and living in Brighton?

The beach. Not that I go often (because of lockdown) but when I can it's a nice place to let your mind wander.

Do you have a favourite place to visit in Brighton?

The beach.

What is your top tip for prospective applicants applying to study medicine?

Really think about why you want to be a doctor, and just be as honest with yourself as you can be. Whatever the reason you need to understand it and own it because that will be part of your motivation throughout the course if you get in.