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Current Stories in Global Health: Necropolitics and Migration

Current Stories in Global Health: Necropolitics and Migration

Wednesday 20 September, 6-7:15pm, UK time.

Part of our Current Stories in Global Health series.

Free and open to all, this event will be held online via Zoom.

Register for this online event here >

About this series

Part of our Current Stories in Global Health series, these quarterly presentations will aim to simplify Global Health research, policy and practice.

Each session will demonstrate case studies of excellent Global Health interventions, bridging the gap between theory and practice. We will showcase the world-class research that we are conducting at BSMS in more than 25 countries globally, and highlight the joys and challenges of working in Global Health.

This series is for people considering a career in Global Health, those already working in Global Health, or anyone interested in learning about the intersectional aspects of health, society and welfare through practical examples of research and interventions.


Part THREE: Necropolitics and Migration

Please join us for the third part of our Current Stories in Global Health online series, featuring talks on necropolitics and migration.

The ‘politics of life and death’ (necropolitics) is ever present in global health. Who decides who must live or die? Do governments and institutions prioritise certain populations at the detriment of others? Decisions that are not evidence-based can result in vulnerable populations being further marginalised and at the risk of death – whether physical, social or political. In this session, we explore how necropolitics has played a role in key global health issues around border enforcement, detention centres, unending asylum processes and, ultimately, the health of migrants.

Arianne Shahvisi will speak on "Letting die: the necropolitics of the hostile environment", while Hyab Yohannes and Tesfalem Yemane will speak on "The Refugee Condition as a Site of Necropolitics and Decolonial Possibilities", Mohammad will discuss access to health for Palestinians living in Occupied Palestine, and the colonial logic that controls this access.

  • Arianne Shahvisi (@ArianneShahvisi) Arianne Shahvisi is senior lecturer in ethics at BSMS, where her research focusses on applied philosophy, especially in relation to gender, race, and migration. She holds a PhD in philosophy of science from the University of Cambridge. Her first book Arguing for a Better World was published in 2023
  • Hyab Yohannes (@HyabYohannes): Hyab Yohannes Phd, University of Glasgow, is a research associate and academic coordinator for CUSP N+. He conducts research, synthesises findings, draws expertise from various fields, and engages with academic and non-academic communities. Hyab recently signed a contract with Routledge for his upcoming book The Coloniality of the Refugee. He is a member of the RSE Young Academy of Scotland and holds several management and leadership roles outside academia
  • Tesfalem Yemane (@THYemane): Tesfalem Yemane works as a Post-doctoral Research Associate at the University of Liverpool. He works on an ESRC funded Channel Crossings research project that aims at examining and understanding the small boat crossings in the English Channel. Tesfalem is also a part-time PhD student at the University of Leeds. In his PhD research, Tesfalem investigates the factors that influence the destination preferences of Eritrean refugees and asylum seekers in the UK and their post-arrival experiences
  • Mohammad Salaymeh: Mohammad is an independent researcher from Palestine, who focuses on the political and social determinants of health. Currently, he is looking to apply public health research methods to understand the determinants of health under settler colonialism.

Register for this online event here >

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