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Critical Public Health Discussion Group

Critical Public Health Discussion Group - 'Nothing About Us Without Us': Lessons from community-based participatory research with women who use drugs in Indonesia  

Speaker: Dr Claudia Stoicescu, a Postdoctoral Research Scientist at Columbia University and a Research Associate at Oxford University's Centre for Criminology and Centre for Evidence-based Intervention.
Tuesday 2 March 2021, 12:30-1:30pm

All are welcome, no background in medicine or public health required.

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About this event

We are absolutely delighted to welcome Dr Claudia Stoicescu, a Postdoctoral Research Scientist at Columbia University and a Research Associate at Oxford University's Centre for Criminology and Centre for Evidence-based Intervention. 

The talk is titled 'Nothing About Us Without Us': Lessons from community-based participatory research with women who use drugs in Indonesia. Dr Stoicescu will be sharing experiences from a research partnership with women who use drugs in Indonesia in the ‘Women Speak Out’ study. Women Speak Out was one of the largest studies in Asia to look specifically at the issues facing drug-dependent women. It combined social epidemiological methods with participatory approaches to the design, implementation and data analysis.

Dr Stoicescu’s research explores health equity among marginalised populations, with a current focus on the gendered impacts of drug law enforcement on HIV outcomes among people who use drugs. Outside of academia, Dr Stoicescu regularly consults for and provides technical support to United Nations and other international agencies on topics related to drug policy, substance use, gender, and HIV.

Everyone is welcome to join the conversation. You can join the group via Teams on the day via the link below.

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