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BSMS Admissions Conference 2019


25 September 2019


Terrace Room, Bramber House, University of Sussex, BN1 9QU


Directions >


About the event

How do we ensure everyone feels welcome to apply to BSMS and will be valued as an applicant?

Join us for this BSMS admissions stakeholder event and be part of shaping our admissions policy for the next five years.

Following the success of our BSMS stakeholder event in 2015, we developed a contextual admissions policy which helped facilitate a move to multiple mini interviews.

It is now time to consult stakeholders again to frame our policy for the future. This event will discuss how BSMS can further widen access to medicine to those from underrepresented and non-traditional backgrounds, with a particular focus on students with disabilities in response to the upcoming GMC guidance ‘Welcomed and valued’.


Morning: Selecting for excellence - wider participation?

Afternoon: Welcomed and valued?

Morning and afternoon round table discussions

Lunch and refreshments available throughout the day

RSVP here >