Selected publications
Ferretti, A., Ienca, M., Sheehan, M. et al. Ethics review of big data research: What should stay and what should be reformed?. BMC Med Ethics 22, 51 (2021).
Cottrell L, Economos G, Evans C, Silber E, Burman R, Nicholas R, et al. (2020) A realist review of advance care planning for people with multiple sclerosis and their families. PLoS ONE 15(10): e0240815.
Farsides B. Commentary 2: Always be Prepared: Anticipating and Confronting Ethical Challenges in the Research Setting. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics. 2019;14(5):516-518. doi:10.1177/1556264619835709b
Jepkosgei J, Nzinga J, McKnight J. Maintaining Distance and Staying Immersed: Practical Ethics in an Underresourced New Born Unit. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics. 2019;14(5):509-512. doi:10.1177/1556264619835709
Samuel, G.N., Farsides, B. Public trust and ‘ethics review’ as a commodity: the case of Genomics England Limited and the UK’s 100,000 genomes project. Med Health Care and Philos 21, 159–168 (2018).
Samuel GN, Farsides B. Genomics England’s implementation of its public engagement strategy: Blurred boundaries between engagement for the United Kingdom’s 100,000 Genomes project and the need for public support. Public Understanding of Science. 2018;27(3):352-364. doi:10.1177/0963662517747200
Dheensa S, Samuel G, Lucassen AM, et al. Towards a national genomics medicine service: the challenges facing clinical-research hybrid practices and the case of the 100 000 genomes project. Journal of Medical Ethics 2018; 44:397-403.
Ine Van Hoyweghen, Erik Aarden. (2021) One for All, All for One? Containing the Promise of Solidarity in Precision Medicine. Critical Public Health 0:0, pages 1-12.
Samuel, G.N., Dheensa, S., Farsides, B. et al. Healthcare professionals’ and patients’ perspectives on consent to clinical genetic testing: moving towards a more relational approach. BMC Med Ethics 18, 47 (2017).
Jarrett, L. (Ed.). (2007). Creative Engagement in Palliative Care: New perspectives on user involvement (1st ed.). CRC Press.
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