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Joel Patchitt

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Joel Patchitt

Research Fellow in Experimental Psychophysiology
Location: Trafford Centre for Medical Research, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9RH




Joel completed his degree in Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Westminster and was awarded the British Psychological Society Prize for Westminster in 2020. Joel has worked at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience where he conducted research into Virtual reality tools for the assessment of cognition in patients suffering from psychosis-related illnesses. His research into virtual reality was coupled with the search for potential EEG biomarkers of cognitive decline in healthy aging populations and patients suffering from psychosis. Joel’s main strengths include the analysis and development of Virtual Reality Immersive Environments and the collection and analysis of electroencephalographic data. He maintains interest in combining the capabilities of virtual environment tools and neuroimaging techniques within psychiatric populations to advance the frontier of research into cognition, consciousness and mental health. Some additional interests of his include the development of scripted analysis tools for EEG, fMRI and machine learning.