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Dr Stephanie Daley (PhD, Msc, DipCOT, PG Cert HE)

Reader in Mental Health and Dementia
T: +44 (0)1273 873206
Location: Trafford Centre for Medical Research, Room 112, BSMS, University of Sussex, BN1 9RY

Areas of expertise: Dementia; health services research, medical and healthcare education, inclusive practice, occupational therapy; qualitative research, service user involvement, empathy, and organisational change

Research areas: Dementia; medical and healthcare education, autism, quality of life, qualitative methods

Other relevant positions: BSMS Deputy Director of Doctoral Studies



Dr Stephanie Daley is the Operational Director for the Time for Dementia, and is the programme lead for the Time for Autism educational programme. Stephanie completed her PhD at Kings College London in 2014, and is an Occupational Therapist by background. In October 2022, Stephanie took on the role of Reader in Mental Health & Dementia at BSMS.



Stephanie is a mixed methods applied health researcher. Her research interests include medical and healthcare education and training, dementia quality of care and quality of life, and autism education. Stephanie has been leading the mixed methods evaluation of the Time for Dementia and Time for Autism educational programmes. She has also worked on the C-DEMQOL (Measurement of quality of life in carers of people with dementia) study. For her PhD, Stephanie looked at the applicability of the concept and practice of recovery for older people, including people with dementia.



Stephanie is an Senior Fellow of Advance HE, and is an experienced lecturer and trainer, and has developed face-to-face and e-learning educational programmes for healthcare students, staff, and those who use services. Stephanie has led the development and expansion of the Time for Dementia programme, and set up the Time for Autism programme, as well as post-graduate teaching modules. Stephanie is a PhD supervisor and Deputy Director of Doctoral Studies at BSMS. Stephanie examines and supervises undergraduate and post-graduate research projects. Stephanie is a qualified Dementia Care Mapper, and over her career has worked closely with dementia and other healthcare services to help improve the quality of care to those who use services.


Selected publications

Daley, S, Hebditch, M, Jones, C, Bremner S, Feeney Y, Towson G, Wright J, Banerjee S, 2023, Time for Dementia: quantitative evaluation of a dementia education programme for healthcare students, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, e5922.

Dhuga Y, Feeney Y, Gallaher LWhite A, Wright J, Banerjee S, Daley S2022, Developing undergraduate autism education for medical students: a qualitative studyBMJ Paediatrics Open 2022;6:e001411. doi: 10.1136/bmjpo-2022-001411

Alford, K., Daley, S., Banerjee, S. et al. “A fog that impacts everything”: a qualitative study of health-related quality of life in people living with HIV who have cognitive impairment. Qual Life Res (2022).

Hebditch M, Daley S, Grovesnor W, Sherlock G, Wright J, Banerjee S, 2022, Student nurses’ career preferences for working with people with dementia; a longitudinal cohort study, Nurse Education Today

Daley S, Akarsu N, Armsby E, Farina N, Feeney Y, Fine B, Hughes L, Pooley J, Tabet N, Towson G, Banerjee S, 2022, What factors have influenced quality of life in people with dementia and their family carers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study, BMJ Open,

Daley S, Farina N, Hughes L, Armsby E, Akarsu N, Pooley J, Towson G, Feeney Y, Tabet N, Fine B, Banerjee, S, 2022, Covid-19 and the quality of life of people with dementia and their carers – the TFD-C19 Study, Plos One,

Hebditch M, Banerjee S, Wright J, Daley S, 2021, Preferences of newly qualified healthcare professionals for working with people with dementia: a qualitative study, Age and Ageing,

Crowley G, Banerjee S, Page L, Daley S, 2021, Factors associated with interest in psychiatry among UK medical students: A qualitative study, BJPsych Bulletin

Alford K, Daley S, Banerjee S, Vera J, 2021, Quality of life in people living with HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder: A scoping review, PLOS ONE

Feeney F, Daley S, Flaherty, Banerjee, 2021, Barriers and facilitators to implementing a longitudinal dementia education programme into undergraduate healthcare curricula: a qualitative study, BMC Medical Education,

Banerjee S, Jones C, Wright J, Grosvenor W, Hebditch M, Feeney Y, Mackrell S, Nilforooshan R, Fox C, Bremner S, Daley S, 2021, A comparative study of the effect of the Time for Dementia programme on medical students, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry,

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