Selected publications
Rand, S., Bertini, L., Dargan, A. and Raats, M. 2024. The Role of Homecare in Addressing Food and Drink Care-Related Needs and Supporting Outcomes for Older Adults: An International Scoping Review. Journal of Long-Term Care, (2024), pp. 514–534. DOI:
Rand, S., Bertini, L., Dargan, A., Raats, M., & Sharp, R. (2024). Developing a framework for reflection on policy-relevant care research using a study of older adults’ food and drink care-related needs. International Journal of Care and Caring, 8(1), 199-205.
Jeffery, S., Monkhouse, J., Bertini, L., Walker, S., & Sharp, R. (2023). Discharge to Assess: an evaluation of three case studies in the southeast of England to inform service improvement. BMJ open quality, 12(4), e002515.
Bertini, L. et al. (2023) Care Workers and Managers’ Experiences of Implementing Infection Control Guidance in an Epidemic Context: A Qualitative Study in the South East of England, during the COVID-19 Prevaccination Era. Health & Social Care in the Community,
Jeffery, S. et al. (2023) Does a discharge to assess programme introduced in England meet the quadruple aim of service improvement?’, Journal of integrated care. 31(1):16-25,
Kiss, I. Z., et al. (2023) How can risk of COVID-19 transmission be minimised in domiciliary care for older people: development, parameterisation and initial results of a simple mathematical model, Epidemiology and Infection. 150, e13, 1–6.
Bertini, L. et al. (2021) ‘COVID-19 management in social care in England: a systematic review of changing policies and newspaper reported staff perspectives’, medRxiv, p. 2021.11.17.21266410. doi: 10.1101/2021.11.17.21266410.