Selected publications
Llewelyn MJ, Budgell EP, Laskawiec-Szkonter M, Cross ELA, et al. Antibiotic review kit for hospitals (ARK-Hospital): a stepped-wedge cluster-randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2022, 23(2):207-221.
Cross E, Quan T, Hayward G, Walker A, Llewelyn M. Development and validation of the Baseline Recurrence Risk in Cellulitis (BRRISC) score. J Infect. 2024;88(2):103-11. doi: 10.1016/j.jinf.2023.12.007.
Cross ELA, Jordan H, Godfrey R, Onakpoya IJ, Shears A, Fidler K, Peto TEA, Walker AS, Llewelyn MJ. Decision making on the route and duration of antibiotic therapy in acute cellulitis: a systematic review and meta-analyses considering the effectiveness and harms of antibiotic treatment. Journal of Infection 2020; 81(4):521-531.
Righi E, Mutters NT, Guirao X, Dolores Del Toro M, Eckmann C, Friedrich AW, Giannella M, Kluytmans J, Presterl E, Christaki E, Cross E, Visentin A, Sganga G, Tsioutis C, Tacconelli E. ESCMID/EUCIC clinical practice guidelines on perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis in patients colonized by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria before surgery. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2022.12.012.
Righi E, Scudeller L, Mirandola M, Visentin A, Mutters NT, Meroi M, Schwabe A, Erbogasto A, Vantini G, Cross ELA, et al. Colonisation with Extended-Spectrum Cephalosporin-Resistant Enterobacterales and Infection Risk in Surgical Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Infect Dis Ther. 2023, doi: 10.1007/s40121-022-00756-z.
Cross EL, Tolfree R, Kipping R. Systematic review of public-targeted communication interventions to improve antibiotic use. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2016; 72(4):975-987.
Cross ELA, Sivyer K, Islam J, Santillo M, Mowbray F, Peto TEA, Walker AS, Yardley L, Llewelyn MJ. Adaptation and implementation of the ARK (Antibiotic Review Kit) Intervention to safely and substantially reduce antibiotic use in hospitals: A feasibility study. Journal of Hospital Infection. 2019; 103(3):268-275.
Roope LSJ., Buchanan J, Morrell L, Pouwels KB, Sivyer K, Mowbray F, Abel L, Cross ELA, Yardley L, Peto T, Walker AS, Llewelyn MJ, SWordsworth S. Why do hospital prescribers continue antibiotics when it is safe to stop? Results of a choice experiment survey. BMC Med 2020; 18, 196.
Hamilton WL, Pires S, Lippett S, Gudka V, Cross ELA, Llewelyn MJ. The impact of diagnostic microbiology on de-escalation of antimicrobial therapy in hospitalised adults. BMC Infect Dis 2020; 20(1):102.
Cross E, Ovens K, Reynolds-Wright J, et al. P017 Managing mycoplasma genitalium in clinic: don’t forget the partners. Sexually Transmitted Infections 2017;93:A23.