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Brighton & Sussex Medical School

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Alex Nagle

A head and shoulders photo of Alex Nagle

Alex Nagle

PhD Student
T: 07503182780

Areas of expertise: Neuropsychology

Research areas: fMRI Neurofeedback, Depression, Blame, Independent Component Analyses

Project description

Previous research has identified that feelings of low self-worth are a central feature of major depressive disorder (MDD) symptoms. Unfortunately, many current treatments for MDD do not address low self-worth specifically, and this might result in patients not responding as well as they could. In this study, we aim to use fMRI neurofeedback with MDD patients to try to change their brain activity towards a healthier pattern. We will use the subgenual cingulate cortex (SCC) as our region-of-interest, a region with well-established links to self-blaming emotions. Participants will also be required to undergo some clinical and psychological assessments before and after the neurofeedback in order to identify any changes in thoughts and feelings.